Social Media Assets

In this section you will find suggested social copy, graphics, and other materials to help spread the word about the Time to Screen campaign. Thank you for your support!

Facebook Assets

1200 × 791  .JPG

1200 × 789  .JPG

1200 × 631  .JPG

1200 × 789 .JPG

Cover 820 × 313  .JPG

Twitter Assets

1200 ×676  .JPG

1200 × 675  .JPG

1200 × 675  .JPG

 Profile Image 400 ×400 .JPG

Header 1500 × 1500  .JPG

Instagram Assets

1080 ×1080  .JPG

2560× 2560  .JPG

2560 × 2560  .JPG

 Profile Image 320 ×320 .JPG

Linkedin Assets

1200 ×1200  .JPG

For questions or permission to use the available Time to Screen campaign resources, please contact COA at [email protected].

Time to Screen is a collaboration between the non-profits CancerCare and the Community Oncology Alliance (COA) to encourage people to take control of their health by getting recommended cancer screenings back on track.